How To: To Sign Your Scout Up For A Merit Badge and Assign A Counselor…
You will need to log in to Scoutbook so we can mark their requirements off. Here are the instructions on how to assign X as their MB Counselor.
1) Log into Scoutbook:
2) Click on your scout
3) Scroll down and click on your scouts name + advancement ( ex. Isaac’s Advancement )
4) Scroll down to Start Another Merit Badge
5) Scroll down to Start A Merit Badge
6) Click on the MB your scout would like to work on
7) Click on Invite Counselor
8) Scroll down to find the name of a counselor and click on it
9) Mark Merit Badge Counselor as the relationship to your scout
10) Make sure that MB is checked and hit update
Klondike Derby Jan 17-18
Scouts BSA Klondike Derby will take place Jan 18th at Camp Birch. The cost is FREE for Tecumseh Council youth, FREE for Tecumseh Council adults, $15 for Out-of-Council youth, and $10 for Out-of-Council adults if registered online by the Early Bird Deadline of Dec 13, 2024.
The Tecumseh Council challenges your Troop or Crew to compete in this year’s Klondike Derby. The program is designed to give Scout Patrols the chance to compete and work together as a team to solve problems. Patrols will be challenged with leadership, teamwork, and scout skills for points in the event competition.