How To: To Sign Your Scout Up For A Merit Badge and Assign A Counselor…
You will need to log in to Scoutbook so we can mark their requirements off. Here are the instructions on how to assign X as their MB Counselor.
1) Log into Scoutbook:
2) Click on your scout
3) Scroll down and click on your scouts name + advancement ( ex. Isaac’s Advancement )
4) Scroll down to Start Another Merit Badge
5) Scroll down to Start A Merit Badge
6) Click on the MB your scout would like to work on
7) Click on Invite Counselor
8) Scroll down to find the name of a counselor and click on it
9) Mark Merit Badge Counselor as the relationship to your scout
10) Make sure that MB is checked and hit update
Anyone with scouts interested in the 2nd Annual Iron Scout Campout, please let me know. We participated in this event last year and the boys seemed to have a great time. A camporee is about using what the Scouts have learned about teamwork as a Patrol, and working together to carry out a plan in order to help the team succeed. Patrols will compete in an Iron Man style race that will include activities such as: First Aid, Rifle Shooting, Archery, Fire Building, Knot Tying, and More!