Troop Online Store


How To: To Sign Your Scout Up For A Merit Badge and Assign A Counselor…

You will need to log in to Scoutbook so we can mark their requirements off.  Here are the instructions on how to assign X as their MB Counselor.

1)            Log into Scoutbook:

2)            Click on your scout

3)            Scroll down and click on your scouts name + advancement ( ex. Isaac’s Advancement )

4)            Scroll down to Start Another Merit Badge

5)            Scroll down to Start A Merit Badge

6)            Click on the MB your scout would like to work on

7)            Click on Invite Counselor

8)            Scroll down to find the name of a counselor and click on it

9)            Mark Merit Badge Counselor as the relationship to your scout

10)         Make sure that MB is checked and hit update

Klondike Derby Jan 17-18

Scouts BSA Klondike Derby will take place Jan 18th at Camp Birch. The cost is FREE for Tecumseh Council youth, FREE for Tecumseh Council adults, $15 for Out-of-Council youth, and $10 for Out-of-Council adults if registered online by the Early Bird Deadline of Dec 13, 2024. 

The Tecumseh Council challenges your Troop or Crew to compete in this year’s Klondike Derby. The program is designed to give Scout Patrols the chance to compete and work together as a team to solve problems. Patrols will be challenged with leadership, teamwork, and scout skills for points in the event competition.


As we prepare for Scout Activities, this is a reminder to PLEASE make sure all your medical forms are current and turned into Stephanie Frank.  If you have any questions on what forms you need and where to get them, please reach out to Stephanie.

Summer Camp 2025

Good News from Summer Camp committee. We will be camping at Camp Friedlander July 6 to 12 2025. We are camping local this year due to the High Aventure in June. More information to come.



Elsa's Corner Cantina will be donating 20% of ALL food sales on 

Tuesday Feb 11th from 11a-9p.

For dine in or carry out.  This is only the location at 6204 Wilmington Pike.  Please come out and support our Troop!


Do you know our Troop earns rewards through Kroger Plus?  This does not cost you anything and it is easy to set up.  If you have parents or relatives who shop at these two stores, please also let them know. To set those up, please read the information below.

- Go to:

- Sign in or sign up

- If you already have a Kroger Rewards # or Card, you will just need to sign in

- Go to the far top right and click on your name

- Click on My Account

- Scroll down about 1/2 way and click on Community Rewards

- If you are signed up, you will see your donation summary

- If you want to sign up, you can choose your organization.

-Every time you shop at Kroger and you enter your reward #, we will get a small donation from Kroger

-Our Local Bellbrook Boy Scouts Troop 375 has a rewards # of EK136 if you would like Kroger's to make a donation to your troop.


Did you know that you can support Boy Scout Troop 375 just by shopping at Dorothy Lane Market!
All you need to do is:
Step 1: Become a Club DLM member and use your Club DLM card every time you shop.
Step 2: Choose your Good Neighbor selection each calendar year by visiting Guest Services at any DLM location OR online at Just select 1000 Boy Scout Troop 375 in the drop down box.


Troop 375 was charted in Bellbrook, Ohio in 1995.


We balance boys' busy lives with the Scouting program -- as scouts pursue their goal of Eagle rank in a low pressure environment.  Fun with a purpose is what founder Lord Baden Powell called Scouting... and we do both.




Council Website - Tecumseh Council #439

Boy Scouts of America Official Website

Rank Requirements 

Merit Badge Requirements 

BSA Scout Forms 

Troop Online Payments


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© Boy Scout Troop 375